Trading licence
IMPORTANT INFO you should know

Important Information
Nsure Name: Hamaka Trading Limited (trading as Nsure)
Nsure Number: FSP 717152
Postal Address: PO Box 5001, Terrace End, Palmerston North 4414
Telephone: 06 356 7873
Date of Disclosure: 1 August 2022
Licence Information
Hamaka Trading Limited FSP 717152 (trading as Nsure) holds a licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide a financial advice service.
Nature and Scope of the Financial Advice Provided
Nsure provides financial advice and investment planning services relating to the following financial products:
Life, Health & Group Insurance products provided by:
Asteron Life
Partners Life
Southern Cross
KiwiSaver, superannuation and investment products:
NZ Funds
Nsure does not generally provide financial advice on products not listed above. However, some clients may have investments in other financial products. Where this is the case, we may provide advice on those products as part of providing financial advice to these clients.
Fees and Expenses
Nsure may charge the following fees for investment advice:
an initial advice fee for the time involved in meeting a client, obtaining all necessary information, and preparing and presenting a financial strategy;
an ongoing financial advice fee for the provision of ongoing financial advice services.
Nsure, and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf, have legal duties relating to the way that we give advice. We must:
give priority to our clients’ interests by taking all reasonable steps to make sure our advice isn’t materially influenced by our own interests;
exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing the advice;
meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure that we have the expertise needed to provide you with advice); and
meet standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services (these are designed to make sure that we treat you as we should and give you suitable advice).
This is only a summary of the duties that we have. More information is available by contacting us, or by visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at
Conflicts of Interest, Commissions and Incentives
Our financial advisers are remunerated by way of salary, bonus and commission.
Nsure may receive commissions from the managed investment scheme managers on whose products we provide financial advice or in which our clients invest, insurance companies on whose policies we provide financial advice, and from the banks with whom we arrange mortgages. These commissions are based on the amount of the sum invested, insurance premiums paid or mortgage (as applicable).
From time to time, product providers may also reward us for the overall business we provide to them. They may give us tickets to sports events, hampers, or other incentives.
To ensure that Nsure’s financial advisers prioritise each client’s interests above their own, they follow an advice process that is designed to ensure their recommendations are made on the basis of the client’s circumstances and financial goals and are suitable for the client. Nsure also:
has a quality assurance programme in place to monitor the advice our financial advisers provide;
actively monitors compliance with our conflicts policies and procedures; and
ensures training is provided to all Nsure financial advisers about how to manage conflicts of interest.
Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution
Even with the best of intentions, complaints sometimes arise. Nsure is committed to ensuring that all client complaints are handled and resolved in a professional, fair and timely manner in accordance with our Client Complaints Policy and associated procedures. If you are not satisfied with our financial advice services, you can make a complaint by contacting us at:
Subject: Complaints
P O Box 5001
Terrace End
Palmerston North 4414
Ph: 021 765 769
When we receive a complaint, we will consider it and let you know how we intend to resolve it. We may need to contact you to get further information about your complaint. We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we can’t, we will contact you within that time to let you know we need more time to consider your complaint.
We will contact you by phone or email to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.
If we can’t resolve your complaint, or you aren’t satisfied with the way we propose to do so, you can contact Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) an approved dispute resolution scheme who provide a free, independent dispute resolution service that may help investigate or resolve your complaint.
You can contact FSCL at or 0800 347 257.